Mission The mission of the Department of Dance is to promote a diverse, stimulating and inclusive community, fostering creativity, individuality, and respect for one another. The curriculum for the A.B. degree in dance challenges students to expand their knowledge and skills in technique and artistry, as well as the theoretical, critical, and creative perspectives necessary for a career in the performing arts and related fields. Our graduates are unique, versatile, and self-directed [global citizens] who are equipped to navigate the complexities of the 21st century and create meaningful lives as contributing members of society. Goals The UGA Department of Dance prepares students for a career in dance.Upon completion of the degree in dance, students will be able to: effectively synthesize and critically evaluate ideas, texts, the body in movement, and /or creative works informed by historical, social, cultural, educational and artistic contexts. compose dances that employ a variety of tools and aesthetic principles, informed by exploration and multiple viewpoints that convey an artistic intent. articulate and embody anatomically sound alignment, efficiency in movement patterning, core engagement, spatial, rhythmic, and kinesthetic (body) awareness, and the distinct vocabulary and aesthetics of multiple dance genres. expand beyond technical proficiency to demonstrate expressivity, presence, focus, projection, musicality, and risk-taking. Through its curriculum and student-centered research activity the Department of Dance is an advocate for dance and the other arts at the University of Georgia – and for dancers and dance organizations in Athens, the State of Georgia, the United States, and the world.